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REAMP question


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Anyone use a REAMP? I got one of these and tried to use it last night without any success.


I played back a track through Reaper into my Presonus Firestudio Project. The original track was recorded clean. I set up my guitar amp as I normally would. It is a VOX ad25VT. It was set on a distortion setting.


The sound on the new track is very faint, and there's a lot of hissing going on.


I ran 1/4 to 1/4 out of the back main outs from the presonus, into the input/XLR on the reamp. another 1/4 to 1/4 out of the reamp into the input on the amp, and a 1/4 to 1/4 plugged into the XLRinput on the presonus input. 1 cable is 3 feet long, the other two are 6 feet long.


Should I be micing the amp? Is it because I'm using lineout from the amp?


Just curious as I am in an apartment and cranking the amp is not always an option with neighbors haha.

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Yeah, reamping and using a line out kinda defeats the purpose ... duh .... weird. However, I don't believe that's the cause for your problem.


Check that your Firestudio----->reamp cable is a balanced one (it's gotta have stereo plugs, and the calble also has to be stereo). A normal instrument cable won't do the trick on that position (It will be OK for the reamp---->amp position, though).


Here you have some good reading to learn how to reamp properly.



Hope it helps!

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