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how do you begin to compose??


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i write about {censored} in my life. Luckely there is always a ton of {censored}, Good or Bad, going on in my life, comedy-tragedy, war-peace, love-hate, fishing-hunting, racing-wrecking, rock climbing- falling ha.


I read a book once and Nikkie Sixx said something like his life is a War others are a race......everybody else just sits by and watch.... Those people dont have much to say...


I write {censored} down, single words, that I realy relate to.... the ones that form a pattern get put into a story and then become a song....



Just what I do!:thu:

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I write classical and symphonic music, so no drum line, as others have suggested. HOWEVER, I often start with the equivalent, the bass line or harmony line. I pick a nice chord progression and put it into midi, then play it back over and over while I doodle at the keyboard. Eventually, bit by bit, a melody evolves to fit the chord progression.



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I write classical and symphonic music, so no drum line, as others have suggested. HOWEVER, I often start with the equivalent, the bass line or harmony line. I pick a nice chord progression and put it into midi, then play it back over and over while I doodle at the keyboard. Eventually, bit by bit, a melody evolves to fit the chord progression.




When I started writing, it was on piano and I would come up with a harmonic progression first. During college however, the melody would come first and I would right the harmony & rhythm to it. I gotta tell ya, from my perspective, it's much cooler to have the melody to work with first.

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For me it depends. Sometimes I'll be noodling around with the guitar and come up with a melody, then something about the melody will put me in mind of specific lyrics, usually about something going on in my life at the time.


Other times, I have a topic I want to write about, and come up with the words first, and those words will lend themselves to a certain rhythm, and thus to a melody, which I'll then try and find a guitar part to.


Still other times, it's something as simple as a phrase or a rhyme that I'll come up with (or somebody else will say) while walking down the street, and I'll build the whole song around that.

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