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what should i sing/write about


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i'd like to write songs that chicks would dig but my life is pretty lame. i just got out of rehab in may, i'm 28, live with my parents, haven't had a girlfriend in forever, i don't take drugs any more. i cant hold a job to save my life. it seems like i need to go out and experience life if i want inspiration and/or credibility. am i wrong or can i make {censored} up? will i get called on it?

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i'd like to write songs that chicks would dig but my life is pretty lame. i just got out of rehab in may, i'm 28, live with my parents, haven't had a girlfriend in forever, i don't take drugs any more. i cant hold a job to save my life...



That's a song right there.

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I think a lot of people mistakenly think that songs should be autobiographical. Not true. Yes, some songwriters are great at writing about themselves. That approach works for them. However, in the past, when I've tried to write a song about myself, it usually sucked.


Don't be afraid to make stuff up. Use your imagnation. There's nothing wrong with fiction in songwriting. Many times, you'll find that a lot of stuff from your own life finds its way into the song unintentionally. Sometimes it doesn't, but that's OK. It's all about making the song interesting, and you just gotta do whatever it takes to get there, whether that means drawing from your own life experiences, or totally making sh*t up. :)

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