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Recalled Memorys

Mat O'D

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Awakening in a blue hotel room

One morning a thought entered a precise memory

One morning he remembered

He recalled memory's of a viscous trip

Visions talking to him in a blue hotel room

Yellow knowledge covered his hands



With strange creatures

black rats and purple monkeys

Silently snoozing

Oozing with there green


Heads furious

Faces never ending

Colors and visions

Insane baited memory



Evil presence of the ones

He thought dead and left behind

Thoughts searching from their crazy minds

Breaking from their insane lines

Sweat oozed

From their silver slithering skin





Unpainted, unpassionate

Yet broken through

As his ceremony begins

2 inch black talking monkeys

Strange creatures asking

Everybody in?





Waking up!

From this deep seeded dream

It's all just imaginary and unreal

He cannot remember where he once was

Sudden quit

Of an unreal nightmare type dream

Now coverd in yellow gold and glitter

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