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who knows internet phones?


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I'm canceling my AT&T because of the crappy crappy service. I'm getting verizon tomorrow. I'm wanting an internet phone to use at work because if I use the computer in the job site they can actually read and see everything i read and i dont like people reading my e-mail. I saw one flip phone verizon wireless had made by verizon... not samsung or anyone else. It only cost 10 bucks with a 2 year contract. It had windows os mobile on it. The unlimited internet plan was pretty cheap... 79 a month for 450 minutes unlimited night and weekends free text to an yone free pic messages and unlimited internet. But ive made the mistake of getting crappy phones so many times. You wouldn't believe how many times ive had to buy new phones from crappy service. Every samsung ive owned ive had problems out of so dont even mention one of those. Im thinking about a black berry but i kinda like the flip phone with all the internet stuff on it because it looks like a regular cell phone. This one is much wider than a regular cell phone but is still flip. The voyager i dont like. Or should I even make the switch? Should I just stick with at&t? I want to try verizon. Figured everyone on here has a cell phone probably just wanted opinions! I know theres got to be some gadget nerds on here who know! lol But the MOST important thing is still the quality phone calls... more so than the net or features. Also should i even look into sprint or t mobile?

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yeah but at&t is just crappy service. Ive changed phones 4 times and still doesnt fix the problem. I don't get my phone calls a lot of times even with full bars of service. People will be texting me all day and I will recieve all of them at 2 in the morning.

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well i havent tried verizon in a while... but when i was a teenager i had verizon and got all my text instantly... and dropped calls isnt the isssue. I got my calls when I had service. With at&t I will have a full 5 bars and call my own phone from another phone and it wont ring. I did this because people kept complaining. At work they call me and i dont get the calls and im a police officer so sometimes its important stuff. I thought it was just my service but my parents have at&t and the same thing with them. Its like it just works when it wants to. Someone told me its the area we live in is overloaded and theres so many text going through at one time for example so thats why it happens. Like say someone text me 5 messages at 5pm... i will recieve all 5 at 2 am. Never happened with verizon im sure its changed but im going back to them. Also i want an internet phone which i dont have with at&t and can't get one. Because they are to expensive and i cant get the discount because my contract isnt up. With new contract with verizon i can get one for free or 10 bucks. My sister and her husband is actually taking over my at&t contract with the current phones. basically i just wanted to know if anyone here had an internet smart phone and could tell me the features id prefer for it to also have wifi. I saw some of the blackberries have wifi and were just 99 dollars.

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