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Been messing around with a Fender Twin Reverb.


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So the other guitarist in the band i'm in has had a broken Fender twin for a while. He finally got it repaired and brought it to practice on Sunday. For some reason the amp just wasn't really fitting in with our band. So for the past two nights i've spent some time messing around with it.


Monday night I really wasn't impressed with it much. I couldn't really get a good solid clean tone I liked, and it didn't really seem to take overdrive pedals well. The tube breakup also sounded kind of weird. Just as some info, i've been running my Revered with p90's into a tubescreamer into the amp.


Last night I started to get it sounding nice. I kind of figured the amp out a little more I guess you could say. I turned the channel volume down some and the master volume up more. I pulled all the eq down from about 7-8's to around 4-5's (except I kept the bass pretty boosted). I started to really see the appeal of the amp.


My main question is this, are these amps mainly designed for clean headroom? The tube breakup on this amp sounds kind of funky to me. And if I turned the drive on my tube screamer up past about 2-3 it sounded absolutely awful.


My freind is already talking about selling this amp based on it's poor performance at practice, which I think is a bit premature. I told him to give it some time. 1)Because he's just so used to using a completely different amp he needs some time to figure this one out, and 2)the brand new tubes need some time to really break in.

So, any words of wisdom on really getting this amp to sound its best and what it's used for?

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Master volumes suck. Crank the master volume all the way to get the best cleans. If you want distortion use a pedal....That's the storywith all higher watt Fender amps.

I happen to like the master volume control on my amp. :wave:

It does seem kind of pointless to have that particular control on an amp that you can't switch channels on.

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