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A couple of Original Songs on Youtube


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I just finished writing my first two songs and posted them on youtube. I've been playing for about 12 years but have been too lazy to complete a song until recently.


They are recorded using a digital camera and no mic, so needless to say they are difficult to hear.


I flubbed up a little on one of them. I would appreciate any feedback and suggestions. Thank you.


They ("Bare Bones of Summer", "With Furrowed Brow") can be found here:



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good voice. i would easy off on the effect on the acoustic guitar, the more natural the guitar sounds the better it'l complement your voice.


i would look into finding ways of improving the recording. youtube is a great way to reach many listeners; lots of potential there!


good job!!!




PS: will leave a comment under youtube also.

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I appreciate the reply. I checked out your band. I think the vocalist is the centerpiece ( is that you?). You've got an Evenescence thing going there.


You guys have talent, My only suggestion is that the singing seemed a bit difficult to hear. I wanted it to be loud and clear over the band. I hope you do well pursuing music.



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