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Feedback on new songs please

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Her Way Back Home was ok...but like I mentioned in the other thread, for me, it lacked a strong melody and didn't have enough dynamic contrast.


I think Scarlett, on the other hand, has hit the mark, IMHO!


I know it was done in a very simple form but I really liked it. It held my attention for the duration. In fact it was one of the few songs off of these forums that I have listened to all the way through.


I don't know if it is your intention to leave it with vox and acoustic only, it could live that way. I think it might enhance the song to add some texture to it in places. Bring in drums, BGVs, ele. inst. in places, maybe, maybe not - that's your call.


I think the performance could be cleaned up a little, and I would reccomend a more judicious use of efx on the main vox. Based on your other recordings I can tell you like the effect, but it honestly seems distracting to me. Even with a song like this, I think your voice is strong enough to not need the watering down!


Good job, keep 'em coming!

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I think Scarlett too was the better of the two... I agree about the use of FX on your lead vocals.. I would not use so much.. I also noticed that it was clipping or cracking a little bit.. you might wanna watch that while you record, it will tend to leave crackling during louder parts of your songs... however, overall I do think you did a great job :thu: Your other song sounded like you recorded with an old tape recorder.. I am not sure if thats the sound you were going for, but it was very airy and grainy..just my opinion..good job though..

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I think Scarlett too was the better of the two... I agree about the use of FX on your lead vocals.. I would not use so much.. I also noticed that it was clipping or cracking a little bit.. you might wanna watch that while you record, it will tend to leave crackling during louder parts of your songs... however, overall I do think you did a great job
Your other song sounded like you recorded with an old tape recorder.. I am not sure if thats the sound you were going for, but it was very airy and grainy..just my opinion..good job though..


Thanks man appreciate it alot!! Well the second song was recorded on a Boss Br900cd digital recorder, and I was not going for an old tape recorder effect which is worrying me now. I actually had the vocals double tracked with delay on it which is why is sounded like it did. And I did have like three guitar tracks on it for the chorus and my les paul was switched to treble not rhythm which is why it may have sounded grainy. I will work on that. thanks again.

Matt Mass

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Thanks cross.. I appreciate the input. What do you think I should do with the vocal efx. Clean or add some reverb? And could you elaborate a little more about the dynamic contrast. I would like to work on that but I am not sure what you mean.



Well I would love to hear your vocal track clean, with a maybe a touch of 'verb.


You know it may just be a matter equipment. I did my recording through a low quality sm58 copy and I was always pouring on chorus, delay, reverb like syrup on dry toast to get something I liked.


When I upgraded to a better mic (Berhinger B2 - I know it's still not professional but much better than what I had) I found that I didn't need much of anything. In fact I usually don't touch the vocal or maybe just a bit of reverb.


As far as dynamic contrast: Don't let the song be static. Right now you basically have acoustic strumming and vocal throughout. There are some points that there is a dynamic change with the vocal. Maybe there could be other changes.

arppegiated vs. strumming in sections.

maybe adding synth, bass or ele. guitar on the chorus, or one verse.

maybe adding drums/percussion in part of the song

maybe add some BGVs to the chorus or a verse

Not that these things HAVE to happen...you have a good song there. I wouldn't start piling on just to do it, but you never know what a little spice here or there will do to make the song even better.

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Ok I understand now. I am a whore for vocal effects and I was even using alot of reverb on stage with the full band and got addicted to it. I guess I could try the touch of verb. As I posted above I have the vocals double tracked and added delay as well. The mic I used was a Shure sm58. I guess I am still learning how to produce songs and add the dynamics. I will practice that.

thanks man

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I listened to Scarlett: The vocals have a little too much verb on them, the guitar progression on the guitar is solid and it works well. Very smooth song, The vocals were a little hard to understand because of the the reverb. It sounds like your singing in a cathedral or auditorium but the guitar is "right in your face." What did you use to do the recording? Good song though:thu:

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I listened to Scarlett: The vocals have a little too much verb on them, the guitar progression on the guitar is solid and it works well. Very smooth song, The vocals were a little hard to understand because of the the reverb. It sounds like your singing in a cathedral or auditorium but the guitar is "right in your face." What did you use to do the recording? Good song though:thu:



Thanks Travis I appreciate it man. On the recording I used reverb. And I am a reverb whore which guessing from the feedback I should try something else on my voice. I just hate dry vocals unless it's just a quiet recording. But if the vocals are hard to understand then that's what matters. I will try a different vocal approach for the next song. thanks again man!!


Matt Mass

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