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Rough Draft - Tell me (Dark Industrial)

travis coats

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This is just a rough draft, and a chance for you to make fun of my singing :lol:


I would like to hear what you think about the mix itself, esp since there are a lot of Mic'd vocals and Guitars in this one.




Tell me what to do now

~That you gave me

Tell me how to change my life

Show me what to be like

~To feel wanted

Make me feel like you inside

What's the f@#$ answer

What's the f@#$ answer

Won't you tell me

~why can't you tell me

Is this what it feels like to have nothing?

Is this what it feels like to have nothing?

Tell me

There are no answers

There are no answers...here



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Dude, your vocals suck, but not nearly as bad as me! :) :) :)


Just kidding. I think the vocal is fine, I might bury it bit more in the mix just to fit the style better, but not because it's bad, it's well done I think.


I like it overall, has a good beat and if I could dance I think I could dance to it. :) Not my favorite genre though.


Musically I think it works fine.


Over and out for now..


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I see what you are getting at but to me the execution is not quite there.


Is it possible to add some distortion to your voice, you know, in the vein of Marilyn Manson? That might help the overall presentation of the song.


At the beginning the first bar of the bass is awesome, then it dies down after second :05. I feel you should establish the rhythm of the song right away as you did with the first :05 seconds and also between seconds :15-:24

If you could tidy up that part it would go a long ways (trust me).


I would EQ your guitar a little to add some highs. It is really muddy sounding with an overdose of bass. I also do not like it in the center of the recording. I would experiment with putting it to the left and/or cloning it and going stereo.


When you say "what's the {censored}ing answer," you sound a little too Mr. Rogers when you need to sound more like Fred Durst. Also when you falsetto "why can't you tell me" I think you should stand back a bit from the mic and just let it rip man!


I would spend a little more time with this one.





BTW, you never did respond to me Travis

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Both: The vocals and guitars are doubled I doubled the guitar track and panned each to the left and right. I agree with EQ'ing the guitars for more punch, it's the preset distortion I am using in guitar rig that makes the bass stand out. I like the tips on the falsetto and the screaming, i will see what I can do.


Devery: which question didn't I reply to? Was it sending you a dry mix? I could do that, you just tell me where to send one, and I will send it. WAV files are huge, PM me offline and I'll give the address for the wav file to download. Or better yet I will dig up the the thread with your email and send you the link. *Give me a while to mix it down dry.

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Both: The vocals and guitars are doubled I doubled the guitar track and panned each to the left and right. I agree with EQ'ing the guitars for more punch, it's the preset distortion I am using in guitar rig that makes the bass stand out. I like the tips on the falsetto and the screaming, i will see what I can do.

Devery: which question didn't I reply to? Was it sending you a dry mix? I could do that, you just tell me where to send one, and I will send it. WAV files are huge, PM me offline and I'll give the address for the wav file to download. Or better yet I will dig up the the thread with your email and send you the link.



I don't know if you have to scream, just be a little more emotional.


Yes, I was referring to you giving me a dry mix of your song where I could take it and run it through Ozone.


Email me something at info@deveryharpermusic.com


Try to keep it no louder than -6db for headroom

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No-tech so I can only comment on the written lyrics posted, okay?


I enjoy very much the way

"~That you gave me"


"~To feel wanted"

come straight out of left field in the lyric.


Poetry and lyric can be successful exercises of extreme verbal economy and efficiency - packing the maximum amount of emotional or visionary content into the fewest possible words. To suddenly veer from the path, or, better yet, approach it from another perspective like you've done here can be very effective.

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No-tech so I can only comment on the written lyrics posted, okay?

I enjoy very much the way

"~That you gave me"


"~To feel wanted"

come straight out of left field in the lyric.

Poetry and lyric can be successful exercises of extreme verbal economy and efficiency - packing the maximum amount of emotional or visionary content into the fewest possible words. To suddenly veer from the path, or, better yet, approach it from another perspective like you've done here can be very effective.



The disadvantage of not hearing it. Those lines are sort of background/chorus-sung lines...if I'm remembering correctly.



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