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Eng prol XXL(oversized) vs Engl pro


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The tone is essentially identical, but the XXL has an additional natural depth to it due to the bigger design. If you A/B them, it sounds like you take the Pro and plug a subwoofer into it when you switch to the XXL. Both are great cabs. It all depends on what kind of music you play and how much bottom end you really need. If you find you amps with standard cabinets lacking in the bass department, go with the XXL. If you find your bass response with a standard cab satisfactory, than you might find the XXL overkill.

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I went though this a little bit 2 weeks ago.


I a/b'd the Standard V60 cab to the XXL with V30s. $997 vs 1420$.

Unfortunealty they didnt have a v30 pro....:rolleyes:


In the end I went with the V60 cabinet, fitted my taste and budget. I a/b them on 2 occasions I couldnt hear too much of a difference except I found the v30s a little brittle and boomy XXL box. However the v30 was abit more articulate.:idk:


Another thing is that I play solely in my basement at lower volumes. I think in a band situation, maybe the Pro wouldve been a better choice:idk:


I played my standard cab with the powerball this afternnon and.....:love:




BTW - the V60 cab replaced my Bogner Uberkab.




Call me crazy ..... but I didnt like the tone of the uberkab with the powerball at all.:freak:

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Both are excellent cabinets with a really tight sound.


Pro - Less bass,less highs than the XXL.


XXL - huge low end (think recto standard without the mushyness and any boomyness) with really precise mids.


I run my xxl with my savage as it has less low end than my other head (which I use with a 4x12 Pro as with the XXL it produces too much low end for my taste)


What head are you planning to use it with?

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Blackmore and Fireball are so different. I have both cabs. I reloaded the standard with g 12k100s. I happen to like the SE with the regular cab. I like the Savage 120 with the XXL cab. Sounds better in the studio that way too. If your going to be tuning low I'd use the XXL cab. If your standard the Pro is probably a much easier cab to lug around. The sound difference is simply the bass response. Not really the punch but the open and big sound of it. Much like the Mesa cabs work.

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