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I'm curious about a couple of things here....


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First, general impressions of the lyrics and secondly, what's your take on the story? Where is the writer coming from? What's it telling the listener?





The History of Love



You were speaking

another body language

my interpretation

filtered thru my need


Heart over reason

I try to find

a headline

in the history of love


Sometimes, a treatise

just ain

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this is simple.

the writer came to my home and gave me some drug to make me speak of my personal experiences.


the main message is in this verse


Pain and pleasure

two sides of a coin

make the toss and

spin me to my doom




some of us like to gamble.

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You were speaking

another body language

my interpretation

filtered thru my need


Here is what I get from this:

"When you spoke, I heard what I wanted to hear based on my own needs rather than what you were really saying."



Heart over reason

I try to find

a headline

in the history of love


"I'm trying to find the point of this, but my emotions get in the way and make it unclear."


Sometimes, a treatise

just ain

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