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Rig Help

Slim Jim

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I've been hemming and hawing about what to do here.

Given the economy I can't get rid of the Orange, but can afford a new rig for now that'll make me happy.


One will be:

- Bogner Ecstasy Classic

The negatives and positives about this have been discussed ad nauseum here.


The other would be:

- Morris Rockgrinder OR XS III coupled with a Fender Bassman head of some sort.


I can't try out the Morris. I just have clips. That's the sucky part.

The other sucky part is that it'd be a bitch to really lug around, as I'd be the only one doing it. The other part being the resale value if I ever get rid of the Morris. I've never seen any on the used market (which is probably a good thing) but it might not sell.

The plus side to this is that it'll be unique. No one else I know has this sorta set-up and it could be pretty versatile. Add an OD pedal and I'd essentially have like 4 channels.


I'm after an organic feeling tone that when it gets kicked into hi-gain it kicks you in the stomach. By no means am I looking for a tone that'll suit metal, but something that's aggressive and in-your-face. I tend to like the low mids, darker tones.


Thanks fellas.

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