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Can you write lyrics at will?


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I love lyrics. But I really do think they're overrated. It's all about context. There's a whole mess of awesome songs that have absolutely horrible lyrics. Paradise City. Umbrella. Pretty much anything by Weezer. (He can'th elp his googies they get out of control: Hash Pipe). And Coldplay too - "I wrote a song for you.... It was all yellow?" Really? I still think he's singing about his pee.


There's also a whole bunch of songs with unintelligble lyrics - Louie Louie, Yellow Ledbetter, hell, anything by Sigur Ros, whose singer uses a made-up language.


And some of my favorite songs are little more than a phrase or two repeating over and over and over. "I'm so Tired" "I want You" "Negative Creep"


Bottom line is I think if you can't write lyrics don't sweat it. Lots of great artists can't. Just write a good song without butchering the lyrics too badly. Cause if you get an awesome song idea, even hammy lyrics can't mess it up.

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Music and lyrics should fit together, and for some songs, it's the melody or rhythm that carries the piece. For others it's the words. The fun thing about writing lyrics is you can always change them again if you don't like how it turns out the first time.

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