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Totally Lost


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Hey Guys,


Looking for a new amp, but my budget is limited. I kind of like the Fender Twin/Super Reverb sound but they've got a little too much wattage(headroom), and bigger than I want. Basically looking for a good "studio" amp since I don't play out with my electric much (if at all anymore..mainly acoustic through AER Compact 60), and finding my 4x12 config overkill for my room (plus my band is not heavy, so I don't need much to cut through).


I'm looking for anything between 10-30 watts. Preferably tube, and under $700 if not lower. I'll be selling my Traynor YCV80 as it's just overkill for what I need, and have become bored with the tone.


Also I mainly play slightly dirty for my clean, and then more distortion for leads. I like a lot of string separation, I don't like it when my notes gets mushed together.


Any suggestions guys? Oh and build it yourself kits are doable! :thu:


Thanks guys!!!

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