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Guys with a B.S. in Business, what are your current jobs?


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Right now since the economy is going through some troubling times, I'm stuck working at the doctor's office that my sister got the job for me doing filing. I just graduated college this past summer, and haven't been able to find anything in marketing or advertising, which is what I want a job in.

My concentration in college was audio recording technology, so I have a per diem job at a radio station in the Hamptons running the soundboard while the djs are out for a live broadcast. There hasn't been any events lately for the station, since the clients haven't been able to pay much for advertising, so I haven't done that since October.

Hopefully things will turn around in the next several months, so I could find something decent with benefits, especially health insurance. What possible marketing, or advertising jobs could I get since I'm still pretty much an upstart in the work world?

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Not what you want at all but I'm bored...

B.A. International Relations; Poly Sci

M.A. Security & Intelligence Studies

Working on the Ph.D. in international Relations now...

It's a crowded field these days... I'd get a MBA or Law Degree if you go beyond undergrad...Zoomzilla prolly made the better choice.

Was a Special Asst. at the Pentagon working with the Hill; now after the election I'm an analyst at a Defense/Intel contractor. It's lame...not as much action or importance.

Lame. Go join the NCS.

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