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New Song -Feedback?


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Heavily produced in the sense of sound effects...Some synth work on here, guitar and some vocals. The song is really below my range, so it's not my best singing effort. Chords get a little funky at times after each "segment" of the song, but I think they work in the framework of this "story song".




Love some feedback, tips, advice, or just plain old critique... :thu:


Jeff in NH

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I dub this a techno-billy mashup. Interesting chord changes- sounds like bluegrass. I like the sound effects in it, good stereo pan there- we're about to get a thunderstorm here, and I thought it was rolling in at first. It's well done and subtle (except the big thunderclap- startled the hell out of me). I like it man, although no comment on the lyrics. You should post them in your thread, you'll get more feedback on them.

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