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Anyone mind giving some criticism on my band's stuff?

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I know im a newbie here with few posts but i want to stress that i am NOT trying to spam my band here! ive been lurking these forums for a while and finally actually registered and am starting to post!


i have a brand new band that has only been working for about a month now. we got a last minute gig booked and wrote 7 songs in the course of about 2 weeks to play for the gig, which we was on april 4th. now that we have that under our belt we've decided to sit down and mess with some really rudimentary recording and hone the songs.


so right now we have 3 tracks up on our myspace. all were recorded in the drummer's garage with an mbox and a few middle of the road mics. total recording time was probably ~3 hours so these are some seriously raw tracks. every instrument was a single take except the vocals which we worked a bit harder on.




so far our personal favorite as a band is the track 'skylight observatory'. we found it got a really good audience response too so that helps tip our favoritism.


i would really appreciate any comments or critiques anybody has on this stuff. we're just getting started and want to get as much public opinion as possible!


i also feel the need to add that on the song 'do it live' the drum solo there is present mostly because thats how we like doing it for an audience, we are aware that drum solos arent the most radio or listener friendly thing to throw in there so when we do more legit recordings we will rearrange that part a bit.

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I think this stuff is pretty damn good for the amount of time it took and it will definitely sound good for a live show.


Starting with "Do It Live", it has a great energy to it. Vocals are good too, but my only suggestion would be to ease up on the lyrics. It seems like there are too many words in each phrase the singer spits out and it's kind of hard for him to get it all out on time for this fast paced song. Perhaps you can take out a few words and add some dynamic breaks that help you land your "punches" with drum hits.


Skylight Observatory is awesome. Great guitar work. You did that in two weeks? I don't believe it.


What can I say, the songs could use certain improvements, like getting hte vocals more on track with the instruments, and maybe some trimmings in the structure, but you're on the right track and I think you should get a good live response with these songs as they are.

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That's pretty good! I'm just listening to Skylight Observatory, and it stays interesting. The harmony guitars are rad. The vocals are a little unconvincing in points. The wanky guitar solo is great, and the riffs keep coming.


I've got to say, though, that this song is all over the place. The chorus isn't a really strong one--which is fine, this song isn't a pop tune--but there are a lot of different parts, tempo changes, etc., and not a lot to tie it together. This could just as easily be a medley of 5 of your other songs. Try to work out some theme or sound that's consistent throughout the track.

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I listened to the tracks. Active, hard, fun rock.


I didn't think to analyze it TOO deeply, because it was just some fun stuff, and being a rock fan, subtleties about how perfect it can be are less important when listening to some balls out good rockin tunes.


Good stuff.

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What these songs have:


1. good players



What they do not have:


1. Memorable vocals

2. Structure that the average person is going to enjoy

3. Hook



The chorus is very weak and sounds like B side Iron maiden.


I don't know what your end goal for you band is but from this quote below:


i also feel the need to add that on the song 'do it live' the drum solo there is present mostly because thats how we like doing it for an audience, we are aware that drum solos arent the most radio or listener friendly thing to throw in there so when we do more legit recordings we will rearrange that part a bit.



You are at least aware or have considered public enjoyment so I need to say that these songs will have a very small demographic of marketability.


There is nothing memorable about them for the average listener which will make it very difficult to market.






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