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writer's slump


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After forcing myself to write a song a day this month, in the middle of a not-particularly creative period, I've got at least a half-dozen good songs, or at least songs worth editing and polishing. Discipline is 100 times more important than inspiration. Even in a drought, just doing the work will yield results.

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most of my songs come from my life. i'd have rather lived a good life that didn't inspire some of my songs, but there you go.

sell your stuff and hitchhike to new york. you'll probably get something interesting out of that.



appreciate the input there bro but my hitching days are far behind me, don't even wanna do there again. However, it is a thought for a song


The point I'm trying to make here is how dramatically a sudden change in lifestyle or surroundings can effect your songwriting. It can be a great thing or cause utter chaos

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"Even the blues have turned grey" Sounds like a song to me (if it isn't one already). Don't think there's any magic answers to this, we've all been there, or will be at sometime. All I can suggest is use your current situation, write about how your feeling at the minute, who knows, you might get something good out of it.

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If you absolutely need to be writing than I guess CM has the right idea.


But......I tend to wait these periods out. I prefer not to push the river. Dig out some old stuff and simply play. Relearn your tunes.


I will sometimes just sit in the studio surrounded by guits in stands and do nothing.


It always comes back.....usually with a rush of inspiration.

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If you absolutely need to be writing than I guess CM has the right idea.



I had to take about 6 months off from writing--a bunch of real life came up--and it was a great way to prime the pump. So not exactly a cure for writer's block, more of a mental laxative. But I've got enough material for the album now...

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Lots of ways to get something going when it runs dry...


I agree with going through your old stuff. Sometimes you hit a variation that takes a life of its own.


Something somebody said. There's your chorus.


Depressed? Write depressing music!


If you really want to create a song, you'll find a way. It may start silly and contrived, and then later you develop it better and it comes alive.


Just toy on the guitar. You'll hit a progression or riff and say, hey, I can build a song around that.

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I'm not much of a writer but judging from the looks of your post you need some kind of inspriration. Look around at what you have and go from there or look at what you don't have and go from there, either way you're sure to come up with something that'll work. Just don't give up. Things like this have a way of working themselves out.

good luck

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