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Need moar br00tulz!


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OK, here's the situation. I'm in two bands at the moment - one is a low down, dirty, sleazy metal band, a la Motley Crue circa Shout at the Devil. The other is a semi-technical Death/Thrash band (Bolt Thrower meets Death with a hint of Testament is probably the best way to describe it). For the sleaze band I'm using a pretty simple rig - one of two Flying Vs into a 2203 (as per my sig), via a TU-2, a TS-9 and an NS-2. I'm not one to brag, but my tone with this setup is {censored}in wicked! For teh br00tulz band, at the moment, I'm just going through the stereo rig that the other guitarist knocked together (a couple of cannibalised Valvestate preamps though a stereo power amp) but the thing is, I'm not particularly happy with that setup. I'm considering putting EMGs in one of my Vs and boosting the 800 with an EQ instead of the TS-9 for some more tone-shaping options BUT I've also got it into my head that a change of amp to something more versatile might be in order (I'm thinking 5150/6505 or Fireball).


Basically my question is this: am I better off tweaking what I've got or is there an amp that will do both styles well? Sadly, if I get another amp, I probably can't afford to keep the Marshall :cry:

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keep the overdrive pedal and get a boss 7 band eq pedal. those do absolute wonders for amps man. an 800 with a overdrive should be able to do uber pissed metal.


OR if you really want a cheap fix maybe an RG or RH randall SS head? my buddies had one for years and that thing got {censored}ing brutal.

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