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Deadheaded Dawn - More Lyrics


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More lyrics for criticism... More Mixed Metre... I love you... Thanks for the help...


Deadheaded Dawn

the place, not the song

is draped in a flannel gown.

searching for weight

her anything value

is lightheaded as a baloon

when the soliders all came

the city in flames

she couldnt help but wonder

who exactly we were

and why we built her

so far from the water


All of the widows gathered round

with buckets on their heads

Calling out to one of their own

"Ill never see you again"


Well I know this might sound cheap

and i swear I dont mean for it to

All ive given is all that I had

and Thats all that I can do

so when Deadheaded Dawn died

in an double wide aparthied

the writing was on the wall

and even you and all that you do

just couldnt stop her fall


All of the mortar and brick was layed

with the same very hands that killed

Deadheaded Dawn cries out to us all

"Ill never see you again"

"Ill never see you a..."

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listening to your music now, i have the distinct urge to hear you shout out that last cut off line, could be really cool.


also, i like the personification of place (or the placification of a person?) and the "double wide apartheid" line.


regarding the writing on the wall, (wait for it, i feel an anecdote coming on) i grew up in rural NH, in a town with 6 trailer parks and no industry, and when i was a teenager we had the reverse experience of many of my friends in the surrounding mill towns whose families all suffered when the mills closed and the industrial jobs died a slow, painful death. when i was a teenager Wal Mart came to town, bought the biggest piece of land you can possibly imagine, and they plopped down the New England Wal Mart Distribution Center, huge building, mamouth, so big they had to buy the town a brand new ladder truck because they were the only building in town that legally required one. lots of jobs, lots of tax revanue, anyway, The Point Is, when they were debating whether or not to sell the land to Wal Mart there was this old lady who owned a hill overlooking one of the "main thoroughfairs" in town, and she bought one of those big light up restaurant signs with the interchangable letters and wrote messages condeming the sale for a solid year while the deal was going down. no idea why that's relevant. i have a cold so my brain isn't quite working.


anyway, i like the lyrics.

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