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I am selling a 64' AA864 Fender Bassman head and cabinet. (very rare)


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Hello all,

I am selling a 64' AA864 Fender Bassman head and cabinet, its all original except for the two main tubes, a power cord and one the speakers. This Amp is in very good condition, and has been in my church for 30+ years, after being given to us by the original owner/purchaser. The Amp is currently at auction on Ebay, and it is ending in around 24 hours. This amp is going for a great price for such a rare and awesome model, but I will let you see for your selves by clicking here.

If this link does not work you can type AA864 Fender Bassman in Ebays main search engine.


The condition and everything known is said clearly in the item description, but if you have any questions at all please feel free to e-mail me.

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