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Anyone ever ran a rectifier preamp through a dsl poweramp

Say Ocean

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Where are you working Jeff?



I quit my old job, I know work as a paper scanner at an office my mom recently quit from. I sit in a cubicle feeding paper into the paper scanner all day. It's pretty mind-numbing, but it also has lead me to discover a lot of new music because all I do is cruise the internet.

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Tried it, not worth the effort. Better off putting EL34's in your recto.


I had a two channel and 3 channel Dual. Tried them both through the effects return of my TSL100 into a Mesa Cab. Not inspiring. Still have the TSl, sold both Mesa's.


EL34's in the Rectifier. Now that was satisfying. (But only with a band, I might add.)

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Tried it, not worth the effort. Better off putting EL34's in your recto.

I had a two channel and 3 channel Dual. Tried them both through the effects return of my TSL100 into a Mesa Cab. Not inspiring. Still have the TSl, sold both Mesa's.

EL34's in the Rectifier. Now that was satisfying. (But only with a band, I might add.)



Well last night I tried tele into the recto, and the recto stereo with the slave out going into the dsl fx return.. sounded really damn good for what I do. Surprisingly articulate and clear and huge sounding. I think I was using the clean channel on the recto with the gain up and boosted.

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