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What do orange cabs sound like?

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I know people rave about them but.........I was extremely disappointed with the PPC212. It was too tight, directional, and had practically no resonance at anything less than ear bleeding volumes. Then again, I also had problems with another cab everyone praises.......the VHT Fatbottom 2x12.

I have owned tons of 2x12's and my favorites are the Bogner OS and Splawn Standard.

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I know people rave about them but.........I was extremely disappointed with the PPC212. It was too tight, directional, and had practically no resonance at anything less than ear bleeding volumes. Then again, I also had problems with another cab everyone praises.......the VHT Fatbottom 2x12.

I have owned tons of 2x12's and my favorites are the Bogner OS and Splawn Standard.





I agree with trubz about it, and I had the same cabinet. I tried WGS v30s, 12-75s, WGS CL-80s, the stock v30s, mixed and matched like a mofo and couldnt love it. You need to crank the dog{censored} out of it probably slightly past gig volume and then it opened up nicely. Thing is, other cabs do that and also perform at lower vols as well.

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I agree with trubz about it, and I had the same cabinet. I tried WGS v30s, 12-75s, WGS CL-80s, the stock v30s, mixed and matched like a mofo and couldnt love it. You need to crank the dog{censored} out of it probably slightly past gig volume and then it opened up nicely. Thing is, other cabs do that and also perform at lower vols as well.

Well, it's an outdoor gig, and I prefer my marshall up up up :o

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