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Blackstar HT-5 full volume full band clip!


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Hey! I just picked up a blackstar ht-5, so far i'm really impressed i think i like it more than my tiny terror. It can deffinetly keep up with a drummer through a 4x12! Me and my two mates had a jam with the HT-5 (bass and drums) and recorded it with a rubbish mic, this is a totaly ghetto recording but it's a pretty good depiction of how the amp sounds in real life, i've uploaded the amp clip to sound click, the links below



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I've used mine at band practice, running through a pair of 4x12 cabs. Sounds really good, plenty of power to keep up with a live drummer. I ran the volume around 8. At that level, the amp feels very spongy and saturated. Had to keep backing down the gain the more i turned it up or it would get too loose.

Terrific little amp!

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