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0-LOUD in .2 seconds

Bones Malone

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I've got a Fender Princeton 112 that goes from 0-Loud in .2 seconds on the volume knob. Anyone know how I can adjust this? And yes I do know that this amp sucks...




My guess is that it has a linear tapered pot.

It's more "normal" to use an audio tapered pot for volume controls so that it appears to get louder gradually.

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I've got a Fender Princeton 112 that goes from 0-Loud in .2 seconds on the volume knob. Anyone know how I can adjust this? And yes I do know that this amp sucks...



This is one of the few cases where something like THIS comes in handy.

The slower taper of the box will give you better control over your volume.


Don't confuse it with a "power attenuator" or think that it will "let you run your tubes hotter for better tone".

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where do I get one and how do I go about fixing it?



These other fellas will direct you to exactly what you need but you'll have to remove a few wires from the old pot and resolder them onto the new pot then screw it back into the volume position.


I don't know much about the Princeton but I assume the Master Vol is what you'd want to change not the preamp volume, if it has one.

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