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Alternative to AC4TV?

LR Weizel

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Is there anything that would be in a similar price range(plus another $100 or so say), would have more giggable/jammable volume(maybe 10 watts) and still be fine for bedroom practice?


It would need to be a full combo, I know the TT and Nighttrain heads would be more or less in that range but this is for a full amp.


It can even be a modeler or Solid State, as long as it takes pedals well. I find my AD30VT doesn't.

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Mainly low to mid gain fairly bright "British" tones, like the Vox, Orange or a Marshall JCM I guess. I have a Dirty Bomb that covers the US(and higher gain Marshall) kind of sounds pretty well. I want an amp that will take that pedal well(as well as fuzzes).


Also I have to make a correction with the pedals thing, it does take pedals kind of okay, but you have to play around with the settings a lot and can't use much gain on the amp with the pedals.

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Mainly low to mid gain fairly bright "British" tones, like the Vox, Orange or a Marshall JCM I guess. I have a Dirty Bomb that covers the US(and higher gain Marshall) kind of sounds pretty well. I want an amp that will take that pedal well(as well as fuzzes).

Also I have to make a correction with the pedals thing, it does take pedals kind of okay, but you have to play around with the settings a lot and can't use much gain on the amp with the pedals.



well if the ac4 is anything like my ac30, then it is very finicky about which pedals it works well with. You want a new amp or are you considering used as well?

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