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Suggest me a preamp to compliment my Quad


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I have a mesa Quad preamp running into my mesa 50/50 into my stereo laney 4X12 with some UK celestions i can't remember the name of.


Suggest me something that will sound pretty different and still sound cool on it's own, but might also blend well with the Quad. I'm not generally too picky but versatility is a big plus and a certain tightness that would be good or decent for moderate fast technical bits. I might start with cheaper options and move on to more pricey ones because i rather fall in love with a 200 dollar preamp than a 1000+ dollar one, I would probably feel like selling it just because it costs so much.


Thanks guys.

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Peters Chimera/Hydra/Griffin.

Get ahold of James Peters on his website and ask him about the custom work.

They are custom work, so discuss it with him. I have the Hydra in preamp form, and dare I say it, it's like butt {censored}ing titty Jesus while eating a greasy piece of pizza... sinfully, otherworldly awesomesauce.


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Yeah, I made some clips.... and it's not as great as it could have been. I'll be redoing the death metal clip with a different pickup so people can hear how bloody tight this amp really REALLY is.

Here's the clips!

First clip is the Halo Channel with Edge on and Crunch
Second is the Hydra Channel, Edge and Crunch off, gain at 1pm.
Clean tone is an EMG81 through the Halo channel
The rock riff is the same settings as the death metal tone with the gain at 11am
EVH is the Halo, edge and crunch engaged, gain up a bit and mids pumped.

Hope you decide to get yourself something legendary like the Hydra dude :thu: One of the best gear purchases I have ever made.


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