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"Lesions" Need Critique


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What help are you looking for? I like the lead work and that spacey bit at the end of the chorus(?), but without some direction as for as what you want help on or the lyrics posted it is hard to offer much help.


The crazy part at the end was my favorite, BTW. Strong interaction.

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Hi Unknown,


Here are my mixing/songwriting thoughts per your request.


1. I'm not a big fan of going so long without kicking that bass in. It might give the impression (to the casual listener) that the song is rather thin, when it is really not. If you want to do the "no-bass then bass" thing (which I have been guilty of doing myself), recommend keep it shorter, of use it for shock value in the middle of the song.


2. I really like when you kick in teh "ohss..." I wasn't expecting it, and even though I know its artificial it was a cool curve to have thrown. Liked it much.


3. You really build this song instrumentally into a "wow". There's a lot going around the 75% point, but it still manages to keep my interest and my sanity.


4. You then bring it down a few notches just before the end with some orchestra strings. You do it in a superb way. I'm jealous. You obviously know what you are doing there.


5. I liked the melody of the vocals. I felt that the vocals themselves were just a tad to low in the mix and I had to concentrate to make them out. To me, I'd up them a nudge.


GREAT ORCHESTRATION in this song. A standout.



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