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I had my usa strat painted in lamborghini green! pics and shiz


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Merry christmas, I got this back two days ago! It started life as a SSS 2008 usa strat, in charcoal frost metallic grey! Heh I understand this might be either love it or hate it, but I got my dads friend whos a car painter to paint my guitar in the lamborghini colour scandal green for me! I added a humbucker to the bridge and 500k pots, it's got bareknuckle mothers milk single coils in the neck and middle and a Tyler super humbucker in the bridge! It sounds fanstastic! I'm really happy with the way the paint came out, I was really bored of the guitar in it's former state but now I love it!









Here's the car that inspired it!



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Heh cool! I'm glad you guys like it! About the bridge pup, i'm not really sure! It sounds normal to me, hmmm hah i'm going to try to avoid looking into it otherwise it'll drive me insane, it's spent about 2 months away from me so i'm just happy to have it back so i can rock out with it again! My other guitar is a Gibson explorer with bareknuckle riff raff humbuckers, these are vintage PAF types and this Tyler humbucker is described as `high out put. I like the way this guitar sounds more than my explorer (heh for now, it might just be a honey moon period) the strat is great for thrash riffs into a boosted marshall superbass, yeah!

Also, I really like the single coils with the 500k pots, bareknuckle recomend 300k pots with their single coils, previously i was using the standard 250k pots. I've yet to try 300k pots, but with 500k pots I can get some lovely sparkely cleans with a bit of reverb! Old man lawyer blues stuff! Mos def better than the 250k pots!

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Liking the scheme... you should try and get a black scratchplate, then black singlecoil covers... but leave the HB white.


Nice idea though. I'm getting my Strat colour-matched to my car in April. Not because of this, been wanting it for ages! :)

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Liking the scheme... you should try and get a black scratchplate, then black singlecoil covers... but leave the HB white.

Nice idea though. I'm getting my Strat colour-matched to my car in April. Not because of this, been wanting it for ages!

I agree, but I would make the the HB black, too. The contrast w/the body color would look kickass!

Great shade of green...

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I agree, but I would make the the HB black, too. The contrast w/the body color would look kickass!

Great shade of green...

Yeah, I definitely think it would work better with black! Still looks teh awesomez... but black would definitely take it to a new level...


See what I mean? :)

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