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Capitals v. Penguins

Say Ocean

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Ovechkin is an outstanding talent.

But I'll bet that at the end of their careers, Ovie has more Arts.

But Syd has more stanleys.

Depends on whats important to you.




I think that's a bit of a stretch. These two teams are so close in talent that I could see them essentially alternativley beating each other in the playoffs every year. They are so well matched it's almost like which team gets the bounces wins.


Along these lines, I just love the people who say Ovechkin never passes and is selfish. I see him 82+ games a year and he is an incredible passer and does it quite often.

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i dont get all the Crosby hate. You may not like his personality or whatever, but the kid is a {censored}ing prodigy. He is going to be the best or second best player in the league for the next 15 years, get used to it.

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I don't think it is too much of a stretch. There are many factors that go into it, but when I watch them play I see two extremely talented players, one of whom is playing within a team concept, and another which is asking the team to play within his concept. Either could work I suppose.

When I watch Crosby the last 2 ~ 3 years, what I see reminds me of Steve Yzerman. Ultra competitive and talented player that is putting his own glory aside, doing what the team needs him to do (become a complete player) for the team to succeed. I'm not sure if Ovie can do that. I am certain that he is not doing that YET.

Just my 2c, and I've been watching Syd since he was 10.

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Go Caps

Singlehandedly keeping Washington from being the losing-est city in the US

This. Without him, they would suck donkey balls IMO. People seem to forget how deep the Penguins bench is compared to the Caps. I don't really see them as an equal matchup like some do.

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This. Without him, they would suck donkey balls IMO. People seem to forget how deep the Penguins bench is compared to the Caps. I don't really see them as an equal matchup like some do.



Well,...I'm gonna have to disagree with you on this one. Is Ovie a top player in the league, difference maker? Yes. But the caps have a pretty solid team,..more on the offensive side than defense, but still very solid. All you have to do is look at the scoring this season -- plenty of players scoring on the Caps, not just Ovie -- Semin and Backstrom both 20+ goals, Fleischman and Laich 17 and 13 respectively, Knuble has 14, Fuhr has 13. Hell, they played well without him in the lineup for 8 games in Nov.


So the "Without him, they would suck donkey balls" comment,....can't agree. They wouldn't be a great team like they are now, but they would still be good. Pens overall may have a more well rounded team, deeper on the defensive bench,....but even that's up for debate. Fluery is a damn good goalie so I'd give them the edge there too. But if the Caps can get Varlamov healthy I'll feel a lot better.

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Ovechkin is a god. If we could send him back in time to the early 80's when goaltending sucked and no one played any defense, he'd score 150 goals in a season. The only problem with Ovechkin is that he plays like his hair is on fire, which is great to watch, but means that his career will no doubt be shortened by his complete lack of regard for his own safety/longevity.

Crosby is an amazing player, but the reason that the Pens won the Stanley cup was because they have Crosby AND Malkin AND Fleury AND depth beyond those star players. The people who pretend that Crosby is better because has won a cup and Ovie hasn't are only showing their complete lack of understanding of hockey. Teams win the Cup, not players. Period. The concept of using team accomplishments to guage the greatness of individual players is inherently stupid and comes purely from a place of ignorance. Malkin was more pivotal to the Pens cup run, after all he did win:

a) the regular season scoring title
b) the regular season MVP
c) the playoff scoring title
d) the playoff MVP.

Can someone tell me the last time someone did that? Anyone? Bueler? Bueler?

In the meantime, Crosby led the league in blow jobs received from Gary Bettman, the meatheads at ESPN, etc. He's a great player, one of the best of his generation, but don't believe the hype about him being head and shoulders above the rest of the league, it's marketing PR bull{censored} and anyone with half the god given sense to wipe after they crap can see through it.

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