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What say you of this trade? Marshall DSL 50 vs Silver face Fender amp


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I came across a silverface Fender Quad reverb that had been converted into a head. It has all of the same features that you would see on a Fender twin with a master volume. But apparently when it was in combo form, that amp went into a 4x12 cabinet!


Like so!




The head was put into a regular fender style head cabinet with cheap tolex. Upon looking at the amp a little further the non reverb side of the amp's 2nd input had a potentiometer on it in place of the input. (acting as another volume control for gain. Then I look on the back of the amp and there's a stamp with Randall Smith's (of Mesa fame.) name on it. I only got to plug into the reverb/trem side of the amp and it did sound great!


I offered the store to trade straight up for My DSL 50 head. The owner of the shop said he would think about it.


What do you guys think? Would you go for it? Not really in the shop owners favor...but in mine in thinking this might be too cool to pass up?

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seeing as you have a JMP - as long as you won't miss the DSL - DO IT!!


not really sure if the $'s line up, but better have an amp you want, than (1) you don't. Just be ready for there to be almost NO resale value on the fender.

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Yeah the JMP stays. So I have THAT marshall tone covered. And I always tried making the DSL just....sound like the JMP. It didn't do it.


I also bought a Mesa tremoverb for my life/high gain type amp. And it's completely replaced the DSL. The Tremoverb also does a fairly convincing Fender sound however!


The DSL is a great amp though and it's the 2nd one I've had. I got rid of the first one to get a Single Rectifier.


So yeah..I'm a little worried that I may have gone full circle!

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the butchered Fender sounds like something I might pay $300.00 for, but probably wouldn't. the DSL has to be worth at least $500.00, + Jeff Beck plays one, I'd keep it.



Well...now that you mention it. I would get rid of it because Jeff Beck uses it.

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