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Tung Sol 12AX7's...


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:thu:Are made of magic dragon bones! :love:


But seriously, I've put it in V1 in my 50-CL, my Laney AOR, and (the borrowed from my lead guitarist's) SLX, and the damn thing makes every amp shine! I've gotta buy a baker's dozen of these {censored}ers.


More articulate, musical, Chime, great bloom, blah, blah...


Now I've only got some NOS At7's and various Ruby's, (From the VHT) a high gain Marshall GT tubes kit, Marshall labelled tubes, and gain tested JJ's, to compare. Sumbitch, that Tung Sol is the shiznit wherever she goe's.


Besides NOS snobbery, (And Price) anyone experience a buyable 12ax7 that has transformatory powers in V1?


It has literally made me decide on snagging the SLX from him, for $500 not a bad buy no?! (50 watter)



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