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Marshall JMD:1 - I Think its Amazing!


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If you are a marshall fan (and I guess you are) I'd look into it but honestly I don't see why. It only "does" marshall stuff and its biggest problem is infact a used JVM or DSL. Especially the first has all the actual preamp history (even more on the four channel) of marshall circuits and a more or less JCM-800 modernised power section.


So you have one amp, has all the circuits, tube, plywood cab, decent to excellent speakers (G12B to V30 to H30) in the combos and it is real not modelled sound. Oh yeah it is also made in the UK.



Then you have the JMD which has emulations of mediocre to-don't want to commend- marshall sounds like some overdrive pedals (which tried to emulate marshalls in the beggining), the JMP-1 the mode 4 (tube power section tries to emulate solid state...way to go...) and all the stuff the JVM does? Or tries to do? Made in china with particle board all over (the combos but shows the level of construction).


Price is not cheap for the JMD-1 and I couldn't care less about the effects. Especially when the JVM does change presets remembering modes, master volume, effects loop and reverb settings via its footswitch or midi. One tap.

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