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Anyone ever have a slap tear?

Say Ocean

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mojo sent dude, I know you've got that thing you told me about... but ya know you could take better care of yourself... like not snorting coke and popping pills and all...

Seriously though, I hope this wrist thing clears up. But if it doesn't, I'll deal with it one way or another.


hahah Well yeah, you got me there.:lol:. And dont think I havent questioned myself in the same manner.. but damnit Im still only 31(32next month) Im not ready to give up all the old fun, despite my stupid health issues....


Good luck with the wrist.. I was just busting yer balls..

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but for a joint they stick a needle straight into the joing and puff it up full of liquid. {censored}ing uncomfortable, weird feeling


yeah, Im not afraid of needles.. But one time I needed a biopsy of my kidney and its basically the same thing.. "we'll be sticking this big needle in your back and take a little sample." HaHA YEAH right!! Doctor-"Its not that bad" Me- "{censored} you...":lol:

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yeah, Im not afraid of needles.. But one time I needed a biopsy of my kidney and its basically the same thing.. "we'll be sticking this big needle in your back and take a little sample." HaHA YEAH right!! Doctor-"Its not that bad" Me- "{censored} you...":lol:


Yeah, never had any problems with needles, I usually watch when I get IVs or injections :lol: but into the joint :freak: not the most fun thing ever.

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The MRI arthrogram involved them sticking a needle all the way into my joint and filling it with liquid, which made it a lot less mobile and flexible, then for the last 12-15 minutes of the MRI they grabbed my arm and yanked it over my head and strapped it down
ever since then it has hurt 10x more.


I have a torn rotator cuff, and a loose shoulder cup, and the MRI thing really does mess up your shoulder even more until surgery. I recommend icing it or using Biofreeze and relaxing it as much as you can

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