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I re-bought the Class 5---- I couldn't live without it


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I recently bought a Marshall Class 5, highly praised its virtues, then decided that a "real" amp shouldn't have just one 10" speaker. So I returned it to GC and bought a Bugera V-22 (VERY nice)


Well, then we opened our tax return and had $800 more than we had figured on our tax return, so I raced to Minneapolis and after two weeks they still had the Class 5 I had returned, and I rebought it. (and I kept the Bugera too)


Why did I re-buy it?


Because the Class 5 was probably the most fun amp to play I've ever owned, and I woke up and realized that I should own an amp if it was the most fun amp I've ever owned, even if it isn't quite as serious with a dinky 10".


That amp is frickin' amazingly cool.


Buy one, if you can find one.


My apologies to any Class 5 lovers that thought I abandoned them.

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What is a fun amp?



Oh.....it's one that makes me want to play simply because of how the amp is, and sounds.


And when I DO want to play, regardless of the amp, there's an element of enjoyment added to the enjoyment I derive from expressing myself on guitar.


Or maybe you meant 'how is it fun'?


The tone is colorful or something. It seems like there is "more" to each note. I can't explain it better than that. And it breaks up a pretty low volume. And it can go from darn clean to this breakup simply by me playing harder. And with only one volume (no master) it feels pure, like it's putting out all it has no matter how high the volume is or isn't.


The tone is best part though.

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