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ts-9 rehousing questions?


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hey everyone! new here, big fan. anyway im rehousing a tube screamer in a new enclosure and had a few questions:

the DC jack on the original is soldered on the pc board? im adding a DC jack bezel if i unsolder the original what wire goes where? its not like an led and i cant risk trail and error with live power?


looking for some wiring for a dpt switch as well...specific to this project (as there are tones online) what two lugs on the new switch(fulltone 9 lug) do the original two wires go to?

thanks for reading ! BTW if anyone is getting into this stuff or modding, or your ts9 wont turn on? etc. drop me email.. ive become pretty invloved with them and maybe can save you some time i had to spend:thu:

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hey thanks..its a nine pin but i dont really want or need true bypass..are you taking the original tube screamer and putting it in a new home? or are you working on an aftermarket kit? mine is the original rehoused.. thanks for reading !


i got the DC wiring right thefirst try..sometimes you get lucky..haha


also is there a enclosure that is the xotic/mxr size that will fit the pcb board? the hammond 125's are a hair to small?? trying to avoid the bigger ones

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also is there a enclosure that is the xotic/mxr size that will fit the pcb board? the hammond 125's are a hair to small?? trying to avoid the bigger ones

Finding the right box is half the battle - the regular 1590B will usually be just a tad too small for an Ibanez or Boss pcb. Some circuits are roomy enough on their pcb's that you can shave off enough board material to make it fit, but it depends on how close to the edge the circuit traces are. On the TS-9 pcb, there's not much dead space, so it might not work. A 1590BB will give you much more room, but that box is a bit larger... although that bit of extra room could come in handy for other things as well (such as easier input/output jack and battery placement).



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not a kit and not an original, i maphode it from scratch, etched the board myself etc

heres a 3pdt true bypass with led or bicolour led wiring



nice thanks for the write up.. its very "me proof" and will get it..haha

yeah the enclosure issue is atough one..and i , like you looked at shaving off some board, but not much to play with on the ts9.. its to bad cause they almost fit, im actually toying around with the idea of wood! and shielding the inside with copper or the special rf spray, and it would look really nice with an exotic grain of wood??


thanks alot guys !!

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let me ask you this ? since the jacks and all are wired up there are only two wires coming from the old tacktile switch i assume open /close so i only need to wire those two right?? just unsolder the old switch and solder them to what two poles on the 9 pin???? thanks

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