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Finally convinced the GSP1101 is the real deal!!!


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Tonite I was practicing in my rehearsal room and decided to try and do an A/B comparison with my VH100R.


To my surprise i'm fully convinced that the GSP 1101 IS the REAL DEAL.


I've been using the GSP in my rig for a while now but mainly for cleans and FX.


Seriously!!! I used my stock G Flex 212 cab and had the GSP hooked up 4cm, so the comparison was done thru the power section of the Laney.


I used the Legacy amp sim and the tones were all but identical.Maybe a tiny few more tweaks and it would be spot on.


I use a splash of delay to fatten up my sound which is the Tape delay sim rate 187ms delay at 30ms wow at 50 and level at 10.


This is the delay that i use with my Laney crunch channel.


DAMN if i wasn't convinced before i sure as hell am know.:thu:


Yeah i know u want clips, I will borrow my mates Zoom H1 2 moro and do a recording , just not sure how to upload the clip .


I'll work that out 2moro.




Soooo... If the Axe is tha.t much better i'm sold.... or i may just hold out to see what Digitech comes up with.




Truly stoked

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I wouldn't say the Axe-FX sounds any better, just more options. I sold off my GSP1101 rig to get an Axe-FX and haven't regretted it for a second but... I was very happy with the GSP1101 and wouldn't mind owning another.


If you plan on sticking with the 4-cable method, I would say stick with what you've got. The Axe-FX wins for direct recording because IMO the power amp modeling is much better.

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