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1st post in v4.0 HCAF......Peavey Classic 50 recording (tiny clip)


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So I was intrigued to try recording my amp...granted it was late enough that I had to record this at a low level (1.5 on the master volume). Anyway, I really dig the Classic 50's clean tone, so I thought I would record the first little bit of Nothing Else Matters as I love the clean tone on it.


The Classic 50 is stock, minus the tubes. I am running a Preffered Series 7025 in V1, a Ruby 12AX7AC7 HG (really just a Ruby 7025) in V2 and a Sovtek 12AX7LPS in V3. The power tubes are JJ EL84s.


The chain went like this.....

BC Rich Mockingbird Special X > MXR MC-401 > Peavey Classic 50 (Blue Marvel speaker) > Audix i5 > Focusrite Saffire 6 USB > Reaper DAW


I was pretty happy with the results for not really doing anything special...just a little bit of mic placing and that was that.


What do you all think of it?

Peavey Classic 50 Clean Test



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Thanks guys! I have been wanting to put some WGS ET65 speakers in there....but with Xmas and all it seems all my extra funds are going elsewhere...I will though at some point get some new speakers in it. When I told my wife I was wanting some speakers for it she gave me that condescending look and said "What....is it not good enough now?" So we will see if I get to put extra money into the amp any time soon...


What I think is funny is that I have been looking at getting a condenser mic in the $200 range and that seems to be fine with her, I want to spend less than that on speakers and it is an issue....I love trying to explain to her why things are different....in her mind a speaker is a speaker...


Thanks again, I will see if I can get some properly recorded clips (louder volume recordings) up in the near future...



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Here is another clip...some gain....at a more appropriate level...I used the same setup as above except I used my Rogue HSS guitar with the EM60A...


I think it would sound pretty good in a mix....but I wouldn't know until it was put in one. From the playback, I might have just a bit too much gain. I also can really hear that I want some new speakers for it....I think I have brought the decision down to two speakers....either the WGS ET65 or the Eminence Legend GB128.


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