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First attempt at the DE safety razor shave :


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Just got my setup earlier this week and it's working great. First shave however was not so great, stiff boar brush, Merkur razor blade, 3 day old growth on my face, plus a not so good lather. I'm surprised I only got knicked twice.


Trying out some Derby blades now and the brush has softened considerably and I'm getting much better shaves. I'm still working on my technique before I start going ATG.


I've also got some Valobra and Provence Sante Verlaine on the way. This stuff is actually fun now haha

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I find Feather blades to be much better than Merkurs; the sharper the blade the safer it actually is IMO, and you get less tugging and therefore less irritation. I don't get the ATG danger hype either; sure you're more likely to cut yourself, but if you're doing it correctly with virtually no pressure and you have at least a semblance of hand-eye coordination then there's no real risk IMO. Besides, it's the only way of getting a proper close shave.

Just my 2p.

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Wow, I am astonished that more men don't use this.

So thank you guys for turning me onto this kind of razor... it is leaps and bounds better than the Schick Quattro I was using before...




{censored}in A.


Also, make sure to try some alcohol splashes like Aqua Velva. I always do a cold water rinse, and keep my hands wet. I rarely experience any burn. In the winter, I'll do a splash, THEN a balm.

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The lather is always a bit thin. Never goofy or billowy. I tried using soap, cream, and both. I press just hard enough.for the bristles to begin to spread. I watched all the videos and I do it the exact same. If I add just a slight bit more water the lather will disappear from half of my face before I even get to that side to start the shave. I often find myself adding more to my face midshave as well.

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The lather is always a bit thin. Never goofy or billowy. I tried using soap, cream, and both. I press just hard enough.for the bristles to begin to spread. I watched all the videos and I do it the exact same. If I add just a slight bit more water the lather will disappear from half of my face before I even get to that side to start the shave. I often find myself adding more to my face midshave as well.



buy some bottled water, and try to make a lather with it.


If it blows up with awesome lather, the problem is your water.


if not, try shampooing your brush, and then rinsing it.


Then, press harder.



practice making lather, even if you aren't going to shave right now.

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So I was in my local Dillard's and they had a Kiehl's boutique in there... they had some oil that they sent a sample of home with me that is used as a pre-shave treatment... It seems like it will be pretty good. I could smell accents of spearmint and eucalyptus, and it seems to be soothing feeling (as I tried some in the store). I will know for sure if I dig it or not tomorrow when I shave again. It is this stuff... http://www.kiehls.com/Close-Shavers-Shaving-Formula-31-O/629,default,pd.html?start=6&cgid=men-cleansers-pre-shave


I also stopped in Bath & Bodyworks, Sephora and a place called The Body Shop. Sephora had some Jack Black, Clinique, Zirh and Art of Shaving products. The Zihr shave cream seems awesome! I might have to give that stuff a whirl. Bath & Bodyworks had some C.O. Bigelow products which are made by Proraso for them. I decided to buy the eucalyptus shave cream of theirs, which was only $5 for the 1.7 oz tube. The Body Shop had some shaving cream that was maca root based which smelled really nice, and it looked like it would lather up very nicely.


I think in the near future I will be picking up the Zirh and Maca Root shaving creams...



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{censored}in A.

Also, make sure to try some alcohol splashes like Aqua Velva. I always do a cold water rinse, and keep my hands wet. I rarely experience any burn. In the winter, I'll do a splash, THEN a balm.



Aqua Velva, you say? Does that burn? I would imagine something like that would burn afterwards....



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Aqua Velva, you say? Does that burn? I would imagine something like that would burn afterwards....




I use Proraso. I get a bit of a burn, but it quickly turns into a cooling sensation. I love it. Witchhazel and Aloe are awesome for acne/ingrown hairs.

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I use Proraso. I get a bit of a burn, but it quickly turns into a cooling sensation. I love it. Witchhazel and Aloe are awesome for acne/ingrown hairs.


I don't know what to look for in an aftershave balm/lotion/splash... I was looking at the C.O. Bigelow stuff at Bath & Bodyworks but I didn't really see a dedicated aftershave... I remember reading in here that the Proraso aftershave is a must, however I can't find anything local of it. I do like the Every Man Jack stuff I picked up yesterday though...




Has anyone tried the Zirh, Jack Black or Art of Shaving creams?



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Aqua Velva, you say? Does that burn? I would imagine something like that would burn afterwards....




It shouldn't burn. it should give you a heavenly experience, and a great face.


Don't buy into the myth that you have to use a balm. It's a myth created by Gillette and Patrick Bateman. Alcohol-based splashes worked wonderfully for your grandfather, why wouldn't it work for you. BTW, I get ingrown hairs if I DON'T use and alcohol-based splash.

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Tried everything you said tonight Guitarslinger. The bottled water helped, but I also used more of it, so that might've been it. It still doesn't fill the brush like I see though. It is like by time I get it all over my face for the first shave, the brush is empty and the lather is just on the edges of the bristles so I have to smear it around in my bowl to make some more.

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The Body Shop (or TBS for short) is awesome. All of their stuff is VERY high quality. They are also known for having sales with drastic discounts.

Their shaving products are as follows:

Maca Root shaving cream in the tub = pwn city. Amazing stuff made in the UK by the Creighton Co. that makes Taylor's, Trumper's, and Trufit&Hill creams. If there was a shavepocalyse, you would be fine with this.

Synthetic Shave Brush. I used this brush for like 3 years straight. outstanding and very underrated. Indestructible. You won't have to worry about it getting hurt in your gym bag if you shave at the gym, etc. Great brush. cheap too.

aftershave: IDK, I've never tried it, but probably just as nice as their other stuff.

It shouldn't burn. it should give you a heavenly experience, and a great face.

Don't buy into the myth that you have to use a balm. It's a myth created by Gillette and Patrick Bateman. Alcohol-based splashes worked wonderfully for your grandfather, why wouldn't it work for you. BTW, I get ingrown hairs if I DON'T use and alcohol-based splash.


Thanks for the information... I dub thee Shave Guru :D I am interested in the Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad soap as well. How would you rate that to the TBS Maca Root Shave cream? I will look into buying some Aqua Velva as well... I believe my local Wal-Mart sells it...



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Thanks for the information... I dub thee Shave Guru
I am interested in the
Crabtree & Evelyn Nomad soap
as well. How would you rate that to the
TBS Maca Root Shave cream
? I will look into buying some Aqua Velva as well... I believe my local Wal-Mart sells it...



Performance-wise, they are equally great. I've used both many times. If I had to do a pros and cons, I would say:


C&E Nomad soap:

smells better

a bit tougher to lather


TBS Maca Cream:

smells like modern body shampoo

easy enough for a monkey to lather





That said, C&E Nomad Cream is just as good as the soap, and I believe it's, once again, made by Creighton UK (The co. that makes Maca Cream)

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