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YT: AMT Electronics Legend pedals


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Sounds real good Ola! I like the video and how you go from one to another. They all sound good but the P1 and B1 seems to have that "more growl thing" going when you play them.


I really need to give another shot at recording my E1. My main problem is that I'm computer less at the moment... :(

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{censored} me! The P1 and B1 were the winners for me. The E1 seemed to have the least bit of punch of all 3. The P1 sounded most appropriate for the song but the B1 sounded about as good as the P1 but had a little more "out front" of a sound that I really dig.

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{censored} me! The P1 and B1 were the winners for me. The E1 seemed to have the least bit of punch of all 3. The P1 sounded most appropriate for the song but the B1 sounded about as good as the P1 but had a little more "out front" of a sound that I really dig.



It's a problem I have. I set up the first pedal E1 for the longest time, to get the perfect balance. Then I switch to the P1, just add a tad of lows, then to the B1 add some more. So you can probably hear my lows being increased with the cuts. I'm such a low-end whore.

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I realize that this is an old thread, but I got the E-1 a week ago and loved it into the power amp on my tube combo. But my son also loved it with his tube half-stack and has already taken custody of it. I'll definitely be replacing it right away, but might get a different flavor such as R-1 or S-1 so that we can trade back and forth for variety. Neither of us has had a chance to try recording direct with it yet, but from everything I've been reading it sounds like it should do well with impulse response added. We are both tone freaks and neither of us thought that the E-1 lacked punch (he plays mostly metal and doesn't like much scooped mid). To me, the P-1 sounds like it lacks bottom end girth from the video and audio clips I've seen.

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Also, while I have no hands-on experience with any other AMT products, the E-1 is the ONLY pedal I have ever tried where even the most extreme settings (in either direction) of all knobs at once produce a tone that would at some point be useful. Simply put, neither my son nor I was able to get a bad sound out of it. Very versatile, extremely responsive to pick attack and guitar volume, and even the clean sounds are very good. Now I'm eyeing the SS-30 but won't pull the trigger unless I sell a guitar to justify it.

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those things are great..I had the E1 and still own a B1...was really hoping to hear the S1



Yeah, the S1 sounds good in the videos I've seen. I haven't found much on the VT1 (Legend, not the Drive Series one) yet but it might be the best of the bunch. How do you like the B1 compared to the E1? To me the E1 sounds better in video comparisons but I haven't heard a B1 in person yet.

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I have a P1 and an R1. The P1 doesn't really lack low end. Recording one on the left and one on the right with the same impulse the bass on the R1 has to be up to around 3/4ths or more to match the P1 at just below half. I think a lot of folks that get the P1 use it to make a "djenty" sound, which tends towards sucking the low end out and pushing the mids hard.


That said, if I were to only buy one of them again it would be the R1. I like the P1 quite a bit, but the R1 just hits my sweet spot better/easier.

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Thanks! I appreciate that info. The first few vids I saw on the R1 didn't sound good, but once I found one that did I was torn between the E1 and the R1. My son is liking the idea of having me get the R1 so we can share; he still misses the Road King half stack he had to sell awhile back, and the R1 might give him some of that flavor. The E1 is probably the better all-purpose fit for the styles I play, but if we own both then I can occasionally use the R1 to get that sound that sometimes is the only one that will satisfy. Love me some MB crunch!

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Yeah, the S1 sounds good in the videos I've seen. I haven't found much on the VT1 (Legend, not the Drive Series one) yet but it might be the best of the bunch. How do you like the B1 compared to the E1? To me the E1 sounds better in video comparisons but I haven't heard a B1 in person yet.



I like the B1 a bit better..its just way thicker sounding...

ther E1 gets so close to the fireball it's not even funny.I did a vid of the e1 using the FB100's powersection and the voicing was almost dead on.the E1 actually sounded better in the clip eq'd the same as the amp but with some tweaking I bet they would sounds very close in a blind test

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Now I see that I need to get pricing and availability info on the Legend Amps V2 Series with two channels before I make my decision. And I shouldn't have watched the video on the AMT WH-1 Japanese Girl Wah, because now I have to have one of those too. There seems to be a trend developing here...I'm quickly becoming an AMT fan, and two weeks ago I hadn't even heard of them. I'm not affiliated with them in any way; just impressed with their products from what I've seen so far.

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