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DIY Mini Pipe organ?

Booya Tribe

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I don't know if there is anyone into this type of thing, as it seems most of the posts here are electronic or guitar based, but maybe some of you who are used to thinking DIY might be into this.


I thought of an idea, and I was surprised to find that it doesn't already exist on the web. Basically, I am thinking of building a small portable pipe organ with maybe a 2 octave range. I guess it would be similar to those cheap air organs (sometimes called "chord organs"), but instead of using reeds, it would use recorder-style pipes. They would be blown by tubes connected to a blower fan, and valves would be connected to buttons or keys to allow air to the pipes when pressed. Basically the same idea as a normal pipe organ, but simple and small, probably would have to be able to play only higher octaves.


I've seen some sites about people building full blown pipe organs, but I am just thinking about this type of smaller project.


Does anyone know if there is anywhere on the web (forums, groups, etc) more based around building acoustic, mechanical, and folk instruments? I've built a bunch of electronic stuff, but I am now more interested in these more mechanical types of designs. Maybe that kind of thing gets brought up here occasionally and I just haven't seen it.

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