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WTF happened to the ending of the movie "The Abyss"


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Quote Originally Posted by Rock Hardness View Post
Ok, with that in mind, how many editions of "Army of Darkness" are there?idea.gif
For realz, they keep releasing new editions. How is the "Boomstick Edition" different from the "Limited Edition" that I own?

Also, I can't STAND the theatrical version of Blade Runner since seeing it without the studio ordered, "the public is too dumb to get it" narration. Directors cut was a godsend.
Who directed "Army Of Darkness"?
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I went to buy the Abyss on DVD and it was directors cut. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

It needs the 1000 ft tidal waves to show man isn't the only power on earth to be considered.

Went to lunch with guys form work today and a lot of them said besides the political correct crap, they read director wanted to not offend people of other nations in which the conflicts showed were depicting. Uhhhhhhhhh.. WTF it also suggested the US was as destructive as those we fought with.

They ruined it taking the best scenes out. That's like a chick just stopping the beej right before you are ready.

I'll check around and see if I can find the "uncut versions" {censored}ing special editions, directors cut.. {censored} off.. leave the gatt damn films alone.

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They went with the happy feelgood ending.

An electronics company I worked for supplied alot of the equipment used on the sub and station on the Abyss.
It didn't have to work, just light up and look "sciency".

We got a letter from Cameron thanking us when the movie came out.

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Ok, what I heard about the ending....cannot confirm but it came from credible sources.

Cameron made the film with the tidal wave ending. At that time, he really only had two big $$$ films under his belt ('Terminator' and 'Aliens.') As part of his contract on 'The Abyss', one specific clause was length, he had to come in under a certain length. His final cut came in over and the studio called him on it. They battled, but the studio would not relent. Cameron was so pissed at that point that rather than cut his film further, he lopped off the end, gave it to them and basically said ,"Eat a dick." Studio released it. Eventually the original ending was restored on video release as a 'Director's Cut.'

Just what I heard anyways.

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