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reading schems


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WOW... that' a really tough question. I think that the first thing would be to learn what the basic componets are, and what they do. Things like resistors, capacitors, inductors (coils) etc. You need to get a basic understanding of current flow in a circuit... its kinda like a water system in a house.. you know, if you open a facet, you have water flowing in the circuit.. in an electric circuit that equates to closing a switch. Understand the basic things.. eg, Voltage is equal to water pressure... it doesn't meant that any water is flowing, it just equate to the pressure. Current is equal to the actual flow of water. Necking a 1" pipe down to a 1/2" pipe restricts the amount of water flowing.... just like a resistor does. Learn ohm's law, E=IR.. E= the voltage, I=the current (amps), R=the resistance (ohms). Boy... go take a basic electronics class at one of the local schools.. you'll get the hang of it right away.



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I`ve done some pedal modding before, but now I wanna learn how to build basic guitar pedals. I don`t intent to build complicated stuff. I probably won`t be doing my own designs, I just wanna be able to find a schem and the be able to build a pedal on a perfboard. Thank you for the replys so far.

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