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B52 AT112 advice


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I bought a used b52 with original tubes and very noisy I might add.  I relaced them with jj's and sound was better but now I hear motorboating as it gets hotter.  There is not much info about these amps to go by.  Should I try a cap job or will the tranny go next or should I cut bait and find another amp.....modeling  aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

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Ok, I'll chime in. Caps and tranny's are expensive repairs. I don't know what you paid for the amp, but they were somewhat of a budget amp to begin with, iirc. You may find that the cost of repairs are equal to or more expensive than the amp.

My best advice is to find a local amp tech and take it in for an estimate and see what it's going to cost. That way you can make a more informed decision.

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I guess I'm now trying to estimate what the caps will cost as I'm fully capable of doing the work myself.  I just don't know how far to dig into it before enough is enough.  I'm not sure of the quality of the trannys or other components as I can't replace everything. but if it's just a caps thing, I can do that.  I don't know why all the mystery with this amp is, you can't find any schematics or background accept for a few rants and complaints.

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Was the speaker swapped out? Check if it was that the impedance is to spec. 

I doubt its caps, but it is a possibility. I would look closely at the board and inspect the solder connections on the pc board including areas that have higher heat environments. Tube sockets, power resistors, filter caps, and so on. Look for fractured solder or over heated areas where the solder might look kind of dull gray.

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