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Blues Jr. Output Transformer Surgery...Fairly Simple?


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Have any Blues Jr. tinkerers on this board attempted to replace the OPT? The Heyboer model that Billm recommends is available for pretty cheap out there on the interwebs, but I'm wondering if it's easy enough to do without "adult supervision" (i.e. detailed instructions). I've done several Billm mods already in there, so I'm fairly confident opening the amp up and not frying it or myself.

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Never seen inside a BJ chassis, but I'll comment to bump this up. I would guess the X-former swap itself would be fairly straight forward with a couple of cautions. (1) The color code on the replacement probably won't match the original so you will need to be sure everything is labeled so you know what goes where, and (2) I would want to research the swap to be sure I knew about any other necessary or recommended component changes that go along with the X-former mod - don't want to find out after the fact that, "oh, btw you also need to change ..........etc.."

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It looks like on Bill's version he installs connectors on the new transformer that will clip right to the existing connectors on the amp PCB. I bet if you contact him, he tell you exactly what is involved. My guess is that he's made it very easy - although it looks like you will need to drill a couple of holes in your chassis.

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