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Bose Personal Amplification System


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i actually heard about them right here on harmony-central at the main guitar index i guess it is. the right hand column that has press releases.

anyways, i haven't heard one in person or anything, but i like the idea alot.

i will say the bose products i've heard sound really good.

my brother's church has some mounted way up in the ceiling, and all around. it's amazing how bose can make these smaller sized units that sound so great.

but yah, the price is way up there on their stuff for sure.

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Man it really sounds like the perfect system for solo fingerstyle in coffee houses etc. I'm going to find out if GC is carrying them. If so maybe I'll see if they'll let me video a demo. I can't get an idea of how big it is, but it looks like it would fit in the corner out of the way at home.

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yah, i don't think it would be too big. seems like bose has a thing for making big sounding smaller speakers, etc. they seem to like to keep it compact. which i like.


it's interesting to me in the press that i read about it how they have it in mind for each musician on a stage to have one so their sound actually comes from their area of the stage and the audience picks up on that. they don't have to look so hard to see who is playing what but they can tell b/c of the direction it comes from. cool stuff.


i don't think i'd want to be sitting in the front row of a show like that though. seems you'd need to be far enough back to hear them all so one doesn't overpower the other..

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The idea, as I understand it, is that the cylindrical radiator speaker design makes the apparent audio much more even at various distances. Instead of most of the sound coming from two point sources it comes from dozens of speakers, so that as you get farther away you're hearing sound from more speakers and the effect is that the sound level stays fairly constant. The idea is that these would be placed behind the musician onstage and bypass monitors/FOH speaker issues.


I'm no expert, but it seems to me like orsino's right - these could be ideal for a coffeehouse sort of gig, especially if the consistent sound level bit is true. They had a pretty lengthy discussion about these here on the Live Sound forum, and here's a discussion led by somebody who's actually used the thing, although it looks like they were doing more of a rock and/or roll sound.


If they do work as advertised, though - man, how nice to have one 7-foot pole (breaks into 2 3.5 foot poles for transport) to carry instead of hauling mixers and amps and speakers and whatnot (although the whatnot would probably still have to be acocunted for).

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Originally posted by orsino

Great info and thoughts guys. I really appreciate you taking the time.





And This week end ...It's Tom

Busking Down on the Corner, at 12th St St & Vine


with his Down sized sound system from Bose...


What'z that for Back Drop!!!! the 18 wheeler for Sale..... that he used to use for Hauling his Gear from corner to corner:eek:


Rowdy'z in the Streets, Just lay your Money'z down Boy'z

Cause ,Tom goes into a tune that will make ya stamp your Feet,

Down on the Corner.........Rowd'yz in tha Street


(and in the back ground) ya hear ,a~om~pa ,pa~pa~pa:D

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