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Ricardo Sanches

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Anyone heard of this brand, after 7 years of lessons playing a {censored}ty old guitar my mum had bought in the 70s or something we (me+parents) went to a store an entire afternoon to select a new classical guitar they could buy me. My choice today was between a Ricardo Sanches model 2a w/ cedre top and a Norman Rodriques type almansa 457 cedre. I tested a lot of guitar in t he price class and these two are almost equally priced. At first i likes the Rodriques more because it sounded warmer, it was quite warm and i liked the rodriques less but the salesperson (who was a very nice guy and good salespeople) really recommended that one and i liked the way it played so in the end i ahd those guitars left and i played them both side by side extensively comparing them, the salesman also played them for me so i could hear them played by someone else. And then i noticed that the warmth of the rodriques was also its weakness, it lacked definition and i also thought the bass was deeper and better sounding on the Sanches, it was also more like the tone I had/have in my head. I prefer that one. I havent bought it so i could let the expieriences sink and think them over, find information on the internet, let my guitar teacher judge it.


But it seems i cant find any info about Ricardo Sanches anywhere, theyre not even in the HCUR.


Comments please!

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Well the Almansa is more of a Spanish factory built guitar. Here's one on ebay: Sanchis almost never come up on ebay:.




The model 457 is the first step in their mid-priced line: here's their website:




They are about the quality of of Alhambra/Raimundo, which are also factory built guitars but both of which build the low end Ramirez line of guitars and put the Ramirez label on them.


Are you sure it's not Ricardo Sanchis Carpio? Ricardo Sanchis is a smaller builder and builds some fantastic guitars. I own one of his Flamencs 2A's and also a 1A - Extra...both blancas. The 2A is as good as the 1A which cost 4 times as much. Both are great guitars.


Check Zavaleta's , he has a bio on him as well as Vicente Sanchis who is a cousin:




click on "guitar manufacturer'".


If it is a Ricardo Sanchis 2a, it is several cuts above the Almansa. but buy the one that makes your ears happy.


Just curious, where are you buying ? and does the Almansa have "Norman Rodriques type almansa 457" on the label? What does it say on the Sanchis label? Get me the address and I'lkl compare it to my labels. pM me or email me.




Hey, I just noticed you are in Duchland....is that Germany or Holland? check out the classicals at Casa Bennely in Holland:



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thanks a lot for the input. It Is in fact a ricardo sanchis carpio 2a.


Im buying it in a small guitar shop in Borne (youve probably never heard of the place) theyve got lots of guitars. And i still prefer the sanchis.


I also want to know what 2a, 1a etc etc all means.


casbenelly is in the hague, too far away for me.


The rodriques has that on the label. And sanchis has Ricardo sanchis carpio on the label i think, with model 2a and it somes from 1996. The rosewood on the back has lots of little white cracks in it.


btw. What are good prices for both guitars?

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1A means it is built of the finest quality woods by the best luthier's (usually one person). These are concert level guitars and cost in the range of $3,000 and up depending on the woods used.


2A is still a very good guitar sometimes rivaling the 1A's in sound but at half the price. Not as nice materials built under the supervision of a Master. etc.


Both are totally hand builtt ....an Almansa 457 is a factory assembly line guitar ....it's nice, but not in the same leage as a even a 2A.



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BTY I paid $800 for my 2A including air freight to San Diego from el Flamenco vive in Spain. But that's when the dollar/Euro was at .82...now it's 1.20....45% more.......Yikes!.


Hey, if I were you I would take a holiday in Spain and go looking for guitars in Madrid. I hear from people that go there that they are Cheap!.



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