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NOW what am I supposed to do??? (000-15)


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I have been jonesing for a 000-15 for about a year now. Ever since I first played one, I have considered selling off my electric gear to help finance the purchase, but that only gets me half way there, and recent financial difficulties have made it impossible to save. We're living hand to mouth.


Anyway long story short, I have recently resolved to do it, sell my Peavey T-60, my amp, and perhaps my beater guitar, and MAYBE even my #1 Sigma DM2. My first real guitar (but probably not, it sounds excellent, has huge sentimental value, and not much resale value). Here's my problem. For my birthday, my Sister-in-law and Brother-in-law bought me a Tremolo pedal. I've been wanting one of these for YEARS! It was such a thoughtful gift, and of course it's inspired me to fiddle with the electric again... I KNOW I could return it to the "Friend" and put the $ towards the ultimate purchase of the deeply desired Mahogany tone monster, but my resolve to sell my electric gear is now shattered.


DAMMIT! NOW what do I do?

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Originally posted by Mattface

...my #1 Sigma DM2. My first real guitar (but probably not, it sounds excellent, has huge sentimental value, and not much resale value)...

DAMMIT! NOW what do I do?


If the Sigma sounds excellent, then it seems it might be a good idea to stick with it for a while. You just need to be patient and wait until the funds situation gets better. LittleBrother has advocated getting financing a guitar, but if you're really living hand to mouth then that might not be a good idea in this case. My $.02.



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Yes, my Sigma is still an excellent guitar. I've played a lot of more expensive guitars that don't sound as good to me, but I've been playing it for about 15 years now, and I was really blown away by the 000-15. I wouldn't finance a guitar now even if I COULD get approved for financing which I doubt, but I did think I MGHT be able to scrape $600 including the sale of my electric gear, and various small items.

I was playing the old Sigma last night, and it plays as good as it ever did... I guess I'm lucky I don't have too expensive tastes. the Sigma sounds better than almost every guitar I've ever tried at twice the price, and the 000-15 sounds as good to me as a 000-28, maybe better. It beat the hell out of a Larrivee L-03. I think it's the Mahogany top that does it for me.

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1. You will regret sellling your first guitar. My parents gave away my 1st Stella when I joined the military. I have been sour over that for 23 years.

2. Dont sell the wah pedal. If you are that broke you dont need a 000-15. Instead think of some ways to wait and get it the right way.

I know this advice is not what you want but in 20 years you will think more like me. When your becoming an old fart like me ;)

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Thanks for the input LB.

I'm quite susceptibel to GAS, but I have resisted the urge to do anything rash about the 000-15 for a year now, and I still want it just as bad. Often waiting causes the jones to subside, so I am pretty sure at least that this guitar really is something I really want, and will be happy with for a long time to come.

Right now I feel like I could be happy with just that one guitar, but I know you are right I will kick myself if I give up the old Sigma. As for the Electric... I know I will probably want another one someday, but I doubt if I will ever regret it's sale the way I do selling my '73 Tele Custom. That is one I will probably never really replace. T-60s are a dime a dozen, and their value seems pretty stable.

You're right that I don't want to hear anyone telling me to be patient. Patience is a virtue... I don't posses. Still I know the best thing to do is to hang onto my electric gear until I know where the rest of the dough will come from at least. In the meantime, the Guitar will appreciate a bit, the AMP will depreciate a bit, I will get to keep playing them, and I won't spend the cash on something else.

Still if anyone has any BETTER ideas I'd love to hear them. What are Kidneys going for these days?

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ROFL ! hehe. I tell you what I would do. I would speak with a parent, big brother, uncle or aunt, grandpa and ask someone to help you get a small loan with no higher than a 10-11% interest rate. They wont give super low rates on misc loans. But get the loan at a real bank or credit union with a cosigner. This might help your credit and also build some responsibility and in the end you will pay about 75-100 more for the guitar but you can pay it off 20.00 bucks or so a month. I did that on my first Gibson ES-335 and I still own and love it after all these years.

Get this. I paid 800.00 dollars for it and about 100 in interest and I paid in tiny payments. Now its worth 3 times that. I am SO happy I did that and got what I wanted and not something lesser.

I also got a loan about 10 years ago and bought my 1st Martin. The 800.00 I borrowed bought me a 1300.00 retail Martin. I played it for 3 years and sold it for 900.00 on Ebay. 3 years of playing for FREE !

I normally dont tell people to get in debt but I also hate people to waste more and more time and money on something that WONT make them happy. You loose more in the long run that way including years of your life you could be playing what you want.

If you pickup a part time job or some extra work that can also help. I bought my first good guitar in 1973 and it cost me 140.00 and I cut grass to buy it. Lawn mowing paid about 2-3 dollars per yard. It was hard but I earned it and that guitar still hangs on my wall today.

I guess I am trying to make you think of some real ways to make it happen. Giving away things you already earned is not the way to do it unless those items mean nothing to ya.

Anyways, I am the worst person to be giving advice. I have made every mistake you can make but you know we care about each other here and just want to see you happy.

DO NOT get one of those dumb loans at the music store or they will try to charge you a HUGE amount of interest.

Later pal :cool:

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Get a part time Job? How old do you think I am anyway??? I've got a full time Job, and moonlight at night fixing computers. I've also got a wife, 2 kids, and a Mortgage. Unfortunately, my wife has been unemployed for a while, and my son has a Neuro-Muscular disorder.

I am convinced we will turn things around financially at some point. My wife and I have both decided we've had enough of it, but unfortunately, mowing lawns aint gonna get me a new guitar.

I sold the Tele about 8 years ago to buy some business equipment. Ultimately it was a good business decision, but I still can't quite forgive myself for having parted with it. The Tele was my second guitar, and my first electric. I know the Peavey won't hurt so bad to part with, and frankly 4 guitars seems like too many for me to play, so when the time comes, I probably will sell everything but the Sigma.

P.S. I'll never part with my first Motorcycle either. a 1976 CB 750 I bought for $10 a week from My boss at my part time job while I was in college. ;)

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S'okay. No I never really did need any advice. All along I knew the answer was that I need to wait some more. Don't sell anything yet and hang in there. In spite of the fact that deep down I KNEW that, the Trem pedal, and your advice helped crystalize it.

I really wasn't fishing for advice as much as commiseration for my guitar affliction. Lots of people know what it's like not to be able to afford the things you want, it's a bummer, but it's life. Only fellow guitarists can understand my particular dilema though. I mean, I JUST talked myself into selling my electric gear, and then my relatives go and throw it all into doubt with what was an incredibly thoughtful gift. I think my brother-in-law must be the only person in the world who knew I wanted a tremolo pedal! Anyway, now I can't sell the electric which is probably for the best. It'll hold it's value or maybe even appreciate. When I've got 300 to throw at a new guitar it'll be there, and who knows, maybe by that time I'll be able to spend $600 on a guitar, and get to KEEP the electric. I'm never going to be a rock star, but it's always nice to have a solid body to fool around on when the acoustic gets tired.

NOW I've gotta go make some trem noise with my new Danelectro pedal! ;) I've been wanting that 000 for a year now, but I've had a trem jones off and on for about 15 years give or take. Ever since I tried a friends Fender Vibrolux and made funky noises late into the night. Which I guess is what I will be doing in the forseeable future...

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Your grace and patience, displayed in that last post, are truly admirable. I concur with what has been said. With a wife, kids, mortgage, and medical bills on the table, your priorities are in the right place; with them. If it makes you feel any better, I'm in a similar boat. While I don't have a wife, or own a home, I'm a college student. Balancing tuition, rent, books, food and my love for guitars is daunting. I currently want to purchase a second guitar, and have fallen in love with both breedloves and santa cruzes. But, as you are familiar with, it just can't happen now. I think of it this way; when I finally go down, play it, smile, and hand the guy my credit card without fearing a thing, that'll be the day that I BOUGHT my guitar. I waited, and it will have been worth every penny!

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Originally posted by kdoggity

when I finally go down, play it, smile, and hand the guy my credit card without fearing a thing, that'll be the day that I BOUGHT my guitar. I waited, and it will have been worth every penny!



I waited, and it was. In the meantime though, my

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The store I played the 000-15 in and fell in love with it is the same one where I plunked down $200 in crumled bills, nickles dimes and such Back in '89 for my first love.

I have fond fantasies of plunking down the cash once again in that familiar store...

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