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Garage Band (recording software)


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I know this is more of a recording topic, but Since Garage Band is aimed at the non-pros, I figure you all might have more interest in this than most of those guys over in the recording forum.


Besides I like you guys, and I think Garage band is going to be great for hobiests, and pro musicians who want to do their own recording. Check it out and let me know what you think. It's definately a complete solution, but it is especially well suited for solo guitarists to lay down a track or two, and then add some backing tracks. If you're any good with a keyboard, it's even better!




lemme know what you think. Look at all the features and tell me if that isn't the best $50 a musician with a Mac could ever spend.

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I am here in San Francisco this week for MacWorld, and I went to the keynote where Job's introduced GarageBand. I have to agree that for $50, it is an amazing piece of software.

I was impressed not only by the simple interface, but also by the sound quality of the built-in guitar amp models. You might not be able to tell from the audio quality of the keynote stream, but John Mayer's guitar playing sounded damn good in that hall.

For more complicated stuff, I will continue to use Logic Audio but as a scratchpad for recording and developing musical ideas, GarageBand is just the ticket.

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I bought it that day, Tuesday. Apple rolled up a big one for us. The $49 is for five apps, here are Apples words,

"With GarageBand, iTunes, iPhoto, iMovie and iDVD you have five superb tools in your creative hands. Individually, they

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Originally posted by Mattface

So have you got it yet?

Lemme know how you like it when you actually get t loaded on your computer.



the iLife suite will ship on the 16th of this month, I'll let you know, but the MacWorld demo by Steve Jobs and John Meyer was very impressive. I might even have to buy the USB keyboard.

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I've been looking for something like this for my Apple. Man I hope this thing has some decent noise reduction filter features and can create a noise filter. It seems that is the piece missing from most recording softwares that makes my Cool Edit on PC non replacable. If this looks good I WILL have to buy a copy. THANKS !


P.S. Yep, not sure why but funny how they dont mention noise reduction ANYWHERE in the specs. If they left out the ability to create a noise filter from background noise this is a show stopper in my opinion. I hope I am not right. Sometimes I wonder though if engineers always have their head up their..

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LB, I played with GarageBand a little at the Apple display here at MWSF. It is compatible with AudioUnits plugins, so any AU plugs you have installed will show up in GarageBand. Can't remember all the default AU plugs that come with Panther, but I think there should be some basic noise reduction plug. The only drawback to the effects is that I do not think they can be automated. In fact, I think GB only does volume automation of tracks, and nothing else. Personally, I wish it had some basic music notation/tab features. Maybe in a future release.


On another note... I had the chance to get out to Gryphon Stringed Instruments earlier this week. Awesome store! A must-see for any guitar fanatic visiting the area. I had hoped to get up to Eric Schoenberg's store in Tiburon this afternoon, but unfortunately the weather is pretty nasty at the moment so I probably won't make it.

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Originally posted by Beagle1

LB, I played with GarageBand a little at the Apple display here at MWSF. It is compatible with AudioUnits plugins, so any AU plugs you have installed will show up in GarageBand. Can't remember all the default AU plugs that come with Panther, but I think there should be some basic noise reduction plug. The only drawback to the effects is that I do not think they can be automated. In fact, I think GB only does volume automation of tracks, and nothing else. Personally, I wish it had some basic music notation/tab features. Maybe in a future release.

On another note... I had the chance to get out to Gryphon Stringed Instruments earlier this week. Awesome store! A must-see for any guitar fanatic visiting the area. I had hoped to get up to Eric Schoenberg's store in Tiburon this afternoon, but unfortunately the weather is pretty nasty at the moment so I probably won't make it.



Hi Beagle1,


Thats godo to know because if this program is just as powerful and easy as Imovie, Idvd and the other apple programs and also has the minimal features I need I will be thrilled. I think I am going to have to try it anyway.


Yeah the Schoenberg guitars by Sexaur are said by my buddy Mike Crixell to be fantastic. He was out there last week and went to visit Eric and played many. I will see them soon. We are doing a video shoot and recording Schoenberg playing all of them. Mike says he's a killer player and a REALLY nice mellow guy. Cant wait.


Thanks for the tips man !


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I've been looking for a new computer for a while now. As soon as I saw the info on Garageband I got really intrigued.

Went to the Apple store today @ lunch. Tommorow I'll be the new owner of my perfect home/portable studio: G4 iBook w/ Garageband. Now all I need to do is get the USB interaced preamp and somewhere down the road the 49 key keyboard.

I'm so jazzed that finally I'll have a decent recording set-up

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Ok, I picked up my copy of Garageband on Friday ( it was loaded onto the new G4 iBook I picked up )
On the way home from the store I stopped into Guitar Center and bought the M-Audio USB Preamp.
I've been plunking around with this thing for a day and a half now ... it's not as easy as the Macworld clips had me believing, but then again I'm a total Apple newbie ...

The amp simulators and buiilt-in effects are pretty cool .... the loops are really cool too. I'm having a slower time on recording via microphone but that'll come in time.
Hopefully in the next few days I'll have some sound files to report.

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I recieved my copy on Friday as well, like the man says, easy when you know how. In other words, there is a learning curve.

But believe me, GB makes all this a lot easier than it use to be. I've just done the loops and tried to play the little keyboard with my mouse and I'm excited about the possibilities.

I'll pick up the M-Audio USB interface and a USB keyboard next week.

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Originally posted by talkgtr

I'll pick up the M-Audio USB interface and a USB keyboard next week.



I was having a hard time getting the computer to recognize the M-Audio interface ... I found out that the driver didn't work on the new Panther system ... had to go to the M-Audio website, downloaded it .... now it works fine.



Now I'm gassing for the M-Audio keyboard ... just gotta watch out, been spending a little too much recently.

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