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What makes a good acoustic


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What makes a good acoustic INYO?

Im by far not an acoustic forumite, Im a bass forumite more so but Im not just restricted to bass.

I found a beautiful flame top acoustic electric on rondomusic.com




Would this give me a rich deep sound ? Im not a fan of trebly acoustics.

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Originally posted by Scoobee

What makes a good acoustic INYO?

Im by far not an acoustic forumite, Im a bass forumite more so but Im not just restricted to bass.

I found a beautiful flame top acoustic electric on rondomusic.com

Would this give me a rich deep sound ? Im not a fan of trebly acoustics.



Scooby it's impossible to tell since many guitars look fantastic in a photo. The guitar you are looking at is more than likely not made of solid woods. If it were made of solid woods the description would be plastered with the word. It may also be a laminated top too. Even though a laminate guitar can be very resistant to damage and weather they will usually not sound as good as a solid wood guitar. Since most of the sound quality of an acoustic comes from the top I would want a solid wood top as a minimum. I'd avoid laminated back and sides also if you can afford it. For a little more money there are some models with solid top and back.


Woods dont always sound like you expect so listening to a guitar in person is always the best policy. Maple can be bright and thin and sometimes dead. I have a great sounding maple back guitar that is big and warm but it is an exceptionally good one.


Generally I would think you might like rosewood back and sides and spruce top from your preferences. That might give a rich dark deeper sound.


It really depends on the builder so try to get out and play some in person as much as you can.

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Thanks for the post LittleBrother, it helped out.

I think I may look into something other thank Agile guitars. Although they do have good reviews. A Jumbo acoustic would also give me a more bassy tone would it not?Sorry if that was ignorant, Im a bass player/drummer.

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No Prob Scoob,


Yeah any guitar with a larger body should have more bass. It's kinda tricky though because I know of some jumbos that have a huge sound yet sound much more balanced than a smaller dread.


Just be careful because Gibson, Taylor, Martin, Larrivee, Tacoma and you name it have different characteristics that fit different people's tastes.


You'll find that the style of the builder sometimes has more to do with the tone than the woods used.


If you just go to a store to listen. have them play them for you and demo a Martin D-18, D-28, Gibson J-45, Gibson AJ, Gibson Hummingbird, Gibson J100 or J200. Then try various Taylors. Maybe a few Tacomas, Larrivee Ds and OMs.


You might start to get an idea about the different body sizes and brands. I would just urge you to find out what you like first then start shopping after that.


An OM body is probably about as small as you want to go.

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